Two new priests for Diocese of Arundel & Brighton

L-R: Fr Gustavo Campanello, Bishop Richard Moth, Fr Edward Hopkins
Source: Diocese of Arundel & Brighton
Bishop Richard Moth ordained two men to the Priesthood on Saturday 22 June, with members of clergy, religious, and many hundreds of lay people attending the Ordination Mass at Arundel Cathedral in person and online.
Edward Hopkins and Gustavo Campanello underwent formation at St John's Seminary, Wonersh and Allen Hall in Chelsea, enjoying placements in a number of diocesan parishes to prepare themselves for the gifts and responsibilities of priestly ministry.
Speaking during his homily, Bishop Richard said: "This is a wonderful day in the life of our Diocese, and a wonderful day for the whole Church as you come to the moment of your Priestly Ordination.
"All of us present, and the many others who cannot be here today, support you in prayer as you embark upon the wonderful life that is a share in nothing less than the Priesthood of Jesus Christ Himself...
"The fulfilment that the priestly life brings, given in service, is beyond description. May your loving service bring warmth to hard hearts, the light of the Gospel to the darkened corners of our society and the presence of Christ - whose priests you are to be - to a world in need of the peace and fullness of life that only He can give."
Gustavo first felt called to the priesthood as a child, while preparing for his First Holy Communion. Born to Italian parents, Gustavo Campanello grew up in Argentina and studied languages before beginning a career as a teacher. He then moved to Europe and worked in completing a degree in English Human Resources and project management before eventually settling in England. It was during this time that he revisited his calling to the priesthood and began the process of discernment and formation.
Speaking shortly before the Ordination Mass, Gus said: "Deepening my relationship with the Lord and Our Blessed Mother at St John's and Allen Hall has brought me great joy; it was through this growing relationship that I started becoming more aware of the magnitude of the gift of sharing in Christ's priesthood."
He added: "Cardinal Hume once said: 'Priesthood is a lifetime of entering into the Holy of Holies, to worship God, to give him praise, to offer prayer for and on behalf of the whole Church. It is a lifetime spent washing the feet of others...' This is what I have been called to do as a priest and this is what I'm looking forward to doing with God's grace."
Eddie grew up in Surrey, attending Mass in the Parish of the Nativity of the Lord in Redhill, Reigate and Merstham. Reflecting on what he was particularly looking forward to in his ministry as a newly ordained priest. Like Gus, he began his working life in education, teaching English to immigrants and refugees before joining St Joseph's Catholic Church in Dorking as a Pastoral
Eddie said: "Celebrating Holy Mass and hearing confessions are definitely the things I am most excited (and nervous) about. It will be wonderful as well to be part of a parish community and to begin to get to know everyone."
Both priests celebrated their First Mass at their appointed parishes on Sunday; Fr Eddie at St Joseph's Church in Guildford, and Fr Gus at St George's Convent Chapel in Haywards Heath and Burgess Hill.