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Archbishop of Canterbury calls for prayers for Tent of Nations

Olive harvest at Tent of Nations

Olive harvest at Tent of Nations

The Archbishop of Canterbury Most Rev Justin Welby has appealed for prayers for the Tent of Nations on social media today.

Writing on X (Twitter) he says:

"The Tent of Nations is a Palestinian Christian farm near Bethlehem, surrounded by Israeli settlements.

Their peaceful struggle to remain on their land highlights the injustice faced by Palestinians across the West Bank. I urge the Israeli Government to desist from this latest clear abuse of legal process - and to provide an urgent legal ruling that acknowledges the Nassar family as rightful owners of their land.

My prayers are with them as they continue to pursue non-violent justice in the face of so many provocations. Please join me in standing with them in solidarity, advocacy and prayer."


Tent of Nations:


Little Flower

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