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Birmingham J&P Annual Retreat focusses on 'Sumud'

  • Jim Quinn

Jim Quinn from the Archdiocese of Birmingham Justice and Peace Commission writes:

Last weekend, Justice and Peace activists gathered together at St Paul's Convent, Selly Park in Birmingham for the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission's annual retreat.

As a way of enabling a prayerful and reflective response to the difficulties of working for peace in today's broken world the theme for the day was 'Sumud' - the Palestinian concept of steadfastness, resilience, persistence and non-violence.

The retreat was led by Ann Farr of Pax Christi. Ann is greatly experienced in the realities of injustice in Palestine. Ann drew on these to introduce us to Palestinians steadfastly coping, in a non-violent way, with the brutal discrimination they endure in the occupied territories. Palestinians who refuse to be enemies, such as the Nassar family and their peaceful struggle for the last 34 years to save their farm, which includes 'The Tent of Nations', from destruction. As Bob from Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish in Redditch said: "This gave us an insight into the issues and daily struggles the people are experiencing in Palestine and what we can do as individuals to support them and campaign on their behalf." Jo, also from Redditch, felt that "Ann's explanation of the concept of Sumud as an approach of steadfastness, presence and perseverance so helpful today."

We shared our experiences of responding to the Gospel call to work for justice and peace in times of brokenness, violence and conflict. These aspirations for a better world and the feelings generated by the obstacles encountered formed part of the prayer focus centrepiece.

There was valuable time included for quiet reflection and prayer in the beautiful grounds of the convent. The day concluded with a bespoke liturgy - a prayerful, uplifting and communal end to the day, "Peacemakers are those who have the assurance of being the children of God" (Thomas Keating).

Many present arrived not knowing many or any others but we quickly became a community, comfortably sharing, praying, and laughing together. The Holy Spirit was truly amongst us.

Kathryn, recently appointed as CAFOD's Community Participation Coordinator for Shrewsbury and North Birmingham, said: "It was wonderful to reflect on the motivations and reasons why we do our work and I really enjoyed meeting the other attendees. I really appreciated the discussion we had together as well. St Paul's was a perfect venue, with the beautiful gardens really adding to the sense of peace and reflection. Of course, the lovely weather helped with this too!"

Jane from St Mary's Parish Harborne said: "I found steadfastness in the presence of so many J&P friends, some of whom I hadn't seen since pre-Covid; I found resistance in the philosophy Ann presented to us which stated that 'commitment to the peace of Christ will produce the fruits of nonviolent peace-making', and I found resilience in the concept that the ultimate Christian mandate is to transform the enemy into a friend".

Finally many thanks go to the staff and sisters of St Paul's Convent for making us very welcome and the recipients of warm hospitality.


St Pauls Convent, Mother House of the Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle:

Tent of Nations Appeal:

Birmingham Diocesan Justice & Peace Commission


Stella Maris

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