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Booking: Faith and Drama Festival in Cambridge

Radius Religious Drama Society will be hosting a Faith and Drama Festival called 'Hints and Revelations' on 12th October 2024, in Cambridge.

There will be a directing master class with two professional actors exploring the religious themes of Shakespeare's The Tempest.

Also a dramatization of John Betjeman's poetry, A Hint of the Unknown God by Rex Walford, who was a writer and actor in Cambridge. These poems explore Betjeman's fascination with matters religious, both with the human spirit - its hopes, fears and solaces - and with the Church as an institution.

Open to all - further information and booking details below. Lunch and refreshments are provided within the ticket cost if booked by 23rd September (event only tickets available after this date).

Date: Saturday 12th October 2024 - Time: 12 - 5.30pm

Venue: St Mark's Church, Barton Road, Newnham, Cambridge.

For more information and booking details see:

Read more about Radius Drama:


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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