Pluscarden: Resignation of Abbatial Office by Fr Abbot Anselm

Abbot Anselm Atkinson OSB
A notice from the Prior and Community of Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin, Moray, reads:
After twenty-one years as local Superior of St Mary's Monastery, Petersham, (thirteen years as Novicemaster), sixteen years as Abbot Visitor of the English Province of the Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation and Member of the Abbot President's Council of Visitors, and thirteen years as Abbot of Pluscarden, Abbot Anselm Atkinson OSB's resignation has been confirmed by Abbot President Guillermo L Arboleda T OSB of the Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation of the Order of St Benedict, who thanks him for "long and faithful service both as superior of Pluscarden and as visitor, praying the Lord to reward him in full."
We give thanks to God for his gift to us of Abbot Anselm, and to Abbot Anselm for his many years of love and service to our Community. May he reap the rewards he has earned, here and hereafter.
Pluscarden Abbey: