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'Relic of the True Cross' found at Oxford school

  • Elena Toresi

At Rye Saint Antony School in Oxford, a splinter of what is believed to be from the True Cross has been found. The relic was found during a clean-out of the premises of Rye St Antony as they are set to merge with another school, Rye Headington School.

While clearing the site of the school, a very old and dog eared envelope was discovered inside of a safe. This envelope was then delivered to Fran Walsh, lead lay chaplain to the school, who I briefly interviewed. Fran told me that inside of the envelope was a small piece of folded red felt, with what looked like a locket inside.

At first, Fran thought this envelope to be a nuisance and another piece of work to deal with while clearing out the school. Only upon the reading of the attached letters in the envelope did she discover how monumental this would be.

Attached inside was a certificate inscribed in Latin. The deputy head, who was more proficient in Latin than Fran, was able to decipher the Latin text, stating it was a certificate of authentication and ought to get it checked over by a priest.

The priest was able to confirm that the description of the relic on the certificate was indeed a description of the relic that Fran came into possession of. This certificate also told us more about the relic, finding out that it was signed and authenticated in Paris, France by the authority of the bishop administrator and the archbishop of Paris.

Alongside an authentication certificate came a handwritten letter, giving us more history of how the relic itself came to be. A letter, addressed to Elizabeth Rendel (founder and first headmistress of Rye St Antony) states that this relic came down through many family generations, but originally originating in Rome. The letter also sends its apologies for the missing original authentication certificate. How the two became reunited is unsure.

Fran Walsh told me that the discovery of this relic offered a time of comfort and consolation during a challenging time of Rye St Antony losing its Catholic identity amongst the merge with Rye Headington.

Rye St Antony was the first independent lay Catholic school in the country, founded by two ladies who converted from the Church of England. Tolkien's children were among the very first children to attend. We are unsure when the school came into possession of the relic, but we are sure it was given to Elizabeth Rendel almost a century ago.

The relic is in the local parish church for safekeeping, but it is hoped to be put on display for students on the new school premises.


Rye Saint Antony School:


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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