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Liverpool Hope University awards honorary degree to Executive Director of CAFOD

Dr Christine Allen

Dr Christine Allen

Source: Liverpool Hope University

A charity leader who has dedicated her career to tackling poverty in the UK and abroad has been awarded an honorary degree from Liverpool Hope University.

Christine Allen, the Executive Director of CAFOD, has received the University's highest honour in recognition of her distinguished career in international development.

Christine, who has led the international development charity since 2019, was also acknowledged for her commitment to social justice and working to tackle poverty and social exclusion both at home and overseas, as well as her charity work with Christian Aid, Progressio and the Catholic Housing Aid Society (CHAS).

She received the award of Doctor of Humane Letters alongside hundreds of Liverpool Hope graduates at a ceremony at Liverpool Cathedral on Wednesday 24 July.

Christine is the first female director in the history of CAFOD, the official aid agency for the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

Born in Liverpool, she has dedicated her career to seeking an end to the injustices of poverty, inequality and environmental exploitation.

Before joining CAFOD, Christine spent 17 years in leadership roles at two other faith-based international development organisations. Between 2012 and 2019 she was the Director of Policy and Public Affairs for Christian Aid. Prior to that, she spent 11 years as the Executive Director of Progressio (CIIR), where she helped the organisation to grow in its work supporting local communities to overcome poverty and marginalisation.

Before joining Progressio, she worked for ten years in housing, poverty and social exclusion in the UK as Head of Public Affairs at the National Housing Federation and Education Department Coordinator at CHAS. She has supported organisations working with homeless people and refugees and is a vocal contributor to Pray As You Go.

Christine said: "As a proud Liverpudlian, I am deeply honoured to receive this recognition from Liverpool Hope University, one of our country's finest educational institutions. Throughout my career, I have been driven by a commitment to social justice and the belief that everyone, regardless of where they are born, deserves the opportunity to live a life free from poverty and inequality.

"This award is a testament to the incredible work done by CAFOD and our partners around the world to support people in the most vulnerable communities. I am proud to be part of this journey and remain dedicated to advocating for change and empowering those who are all too often overlooked."

Professor Claire Ozanne, Liverpool Hope University Vice-Chancellor, said: "Christine has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to tackling poverty on a national and global level for more than 25 years.

"Her tireless dedication to social justice and her impactful work in international development exemplify the positive contribution we aspire for all our graduates to make in the world. It is therefore a privilege to acknowledge Christine's achievements with the University's highest honour."


Liverpool Hope University:


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