Coventry pupils wow audience in Roald Dahl's Matilda

Young actors gave impressive performances
Source: Advent Communications
Primary school pupils in Coventry wowed a 100-strong crowd with a top-quality performance of a beloved childhood tale during the last week of term.
Year 6 children at Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School, part of the Romero Catholic Academy, took to the stage at Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School, where many of them will head in September, to impress parents, visitors and former pupils with a superb West End-inspired rendition of Roald Dahl's Matilda.
With much of the set created using upcycled cardboard boxes and paper, the group of 31 pupils was in charge of all the costume and scenery changes - with scooters even incorporated into the performance to emulate a professional stage show.
Eileen Osborne, who has taught at the school since 1990, gave a scintillating cameo as the cook, with many audience members saying the show was "West End quality".
The school on Arkle Drive has built up a reputation for its end of year shows, with past pupils returning for the 2024 edition after being impressed by last year's performance of Bugsy Malone.
Sarah Hall, Year 6 teacher at Ss Peter & Paul Catholic Primary School, said: "It was an amazing night and great to have everyone involved, but I have to give a special shout out to Lenny who broke his arm but was still there to support his classmates on the night.
"It was a really lovely send off and everyone was so impressed with their performance, especially after working so hard and doing so well in their SATs.
"The production was a really high standard and it was great to have access to the professional facilities at Cardinal Wiseman to put on a show that everyone in the audience will remember.
"I taught lots of these pupils when they were in Year 4 so it has been really nice to see them progress and we will be sad to see them go.
"We're all incredibly proud of our fantastic Year 6s and wish them the best of luck as they make the move to secondary school."