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Pope sends greetings to participants in Outreach conference

Source: Vatican News

Pope Francis has sent a message to Father James Martin SJ, for the start of the Outreach Conference for LGBTQ Catholics, which is taking place at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, on August 2-4. Cardinal Wilton Gregory, Archbishop of Washington, is due to celebrate Mass for participants.

Fr Martin, who carries out his apostolate among the LGBTQ community, wrote to the Pope, asking if he would like to send his greetings to the conference.

Pope Francis sent a brief response, which was released on Thursday, saying he was pleased by the fact that Cardinal Gregory would be celebrating Mass for them.

In his message the Pope said he is "united in prayer" with those participating in the conference: "May Jesus bless you and the Holy Virgin care for you."

This is the fourth time that Pope Francis has sent his regards to an Outreach event.

Fr Martin wrote on X yesterday: '@Pontifex has written a letter to the Outreach 2024 Conference for LGBTQ Catholics, which begins tomorrow at Georgetown, saying that he is "united in prayer" with us. We're so grateful for the Holy Father's support and prayers.'




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