Support ICN

Jo Siedlecka
Independent Catholic News has grown considerably since we set up in 2000. In the first two years we were publishing news twice a week. For a long time now we have been publishing every day. ICN's readership has been expanding at the rate of nearly 10 per cent a year. In the last 12 months there were over a million unique readers. There were over 2.5 million hits.
Thanks very much for all your support, donations, prayers and encouraging messages.
As our audience has grown - so have our costs. It has been suggested that we set up a paywall - but I would never want to do that!
But we do have lots of ideas for developing the site and always welcome readers' suggestions. We are hoping to be able to employ another reporter in the next year, and, if possible one day set up an app.
If you aren't already supporting us, and - only if you can afford to - please consider making a one-off, monthly or yearly donation through this link:
If you're an organisation, you can support us by advertising on our website. We offer Patron ads, displayed on our website header, and Supporter ads, displayed on our right sidebar and at the bottom of articles:
If you have any questions about donating or advertising please contact our founder and editor Jo at:
And please include ICN in your prayers.