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Plymouth Diocese: Appeal and prayer for peace

Photo by Studio 74 on Unsplash

Photo by Studio 74 on Unsplash

Canon Paul Cummins, Administrator for the Diocese of Plymouth, has called for everyone to turn away from violence and embrace peace and reconciliation:

"The Southwest of England has long been a place of welcome. Our beautiful countryside and wonderful coast have been havens of peace for generations. We have always welcomed the stranger and offered a place of sanctuary for those fleeing violence and discrimination.

"In the past few days in our diocese, we have witnessed scenes of disorder which have disturbed that peace and brought fear and anxiety to the streets of Weymouth and Plymouth.

"We appeal to everyone to turn away from violence and embrace peace and reconciliation. We reaffirm our solidarity with those of different faiths, races and cultures who have sought refuge in our diocese. This is your home.

"We are grateful for the work of our emergency services in ensuring the safety of all and for all those involved in creating communities of hope, not hate.

"Jesus tells us to 'treat others as we would like them to treat us'. This is our hope. This is our prayer."

Prayer for Peace
(By Fr Jonathan Stewart, Diocese of Plymouth)

Lord, Prince of Peace,

We appeal to your boundless love and mercy.

In the face of violence and turmoil in our country, strengthen our resolve to work for reconciliation and peace within our communities.

Help us not to harden our hearts, to redouble our efforts to welcome the stranger and to reach out to those in need.
Change the hearts and minds of those who seek to fuel unrest and bring us all to live in your kingdom of justice, peace and love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.



Diocese of Plymouth:


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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