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DR Congo: Peace is desperately needed

Source: Vatican News/Mill Hill Missionaries

The Bishops of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) have urged all parties to respect a new ceasefire agreement, which was violated just three days after it was signed. This ceasefire, agreed upon by the governments of Congo and Rwanda, was supposed to start on August 4. However, fighting soon resumed, with rebel groups advancing in the eastern regions of Congo.

The eastern part of the DRC has been a battleground for many years, with local militias and foreign rebel groups causing instability and forcing many people to leave their homes. The Bishops' Conference of Congo (CENCO) is worried that this ceasefire, like previous ones, might not be respected. They have called on both sides to honour the agreement and stop the violence.

CENCO compared the conflict in Congo to the war in Ukraine, stressing that the world needs to pay more attention to what is happening in the DRC. The ongoing violence has had devastating effects on the people, with over seven million displaced within the country, including 1.7 million recently displaced due to the latest fighting. Many children are unable to go to school and are forced to flee their homes, making their lives extremely difficult.

The Bishops' message is clear: peace is desperately needed, and all parties must stick to the ceasefire to prevent further suffering.


The Archbishop Romero Trust

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