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Podcast: 'It's just so beautiful'

Source: All Kinds of Catholic

This week's episode of the 'All Kinds of Catholic' podcast features Elena, who shares her journey to finding a new Catholic community after leaving home for university. She talks about the Latin Mass and why she and other young Catholics can be drawn to it. Elena describes honestly the things she struggles with - experiences familiar to many.

There are now a dozen weekly episodes of the 'All Kinds of Catholic' podcast available. Each one features host Theresa Alessandro in conversation with a different Catholic guest who shares some aspects of how they are living their faith. Listener feedback often includes phrases like, 'interesting and challenging', 'encouraging', 'just normal conversations.'

In the newest synodal document Pope Francis says: "Only a web of relationships that weaves together the multiplicity of belongings can sustain individuals and communities, offering them points of reference and orientation and showing them the beauty of life according to the Gospel. It is in relationships - with Christ, with others, in the community - that faith is transmitted." (Instrumentum Laboris for the second session Para. 21).

The podcast conversations are one expression of that multiplicity and a source of points of reference regarding the beauty of lives we are trying to live according to the Gospel. Conversations have included experiences such as being part of a parish community, becoming a Catholic in adulthood, bringing up children in the faith, the Latin Mass, adoption, and the pace of change in the church. One episode was made at the National Justice and Peace Network Conference in July and listeners heard many attendees sharing how important it is for them as Christians to work for social justice and peace. There were positive reflections about the intergenerational nature of the conference too.

Theresa reports that guests often say how much they enjoy taking part in the podcast and that they find it helpful to talk and reflect during the making of 'their' episode. Listeners will hear guests speak about challenges such as 'dealing with rejection, that's huge for me', 'our Church didn't let us do those things', 'daily life gets in the way.' There are many encouraging and hope-filled reflections too. For example, 'I wanted to be involved...finding a vocation that would go out there and be with people', 'we've really blossomed in the parishes we've been in', 'I like to quietly go into the church and spend some time with God.'

Theresa shared that: "I enjoy every encounter and am learning so much more about the Church I have belonged to all my life. Preparing each episode is a great privilege and I am thrilled by how many people are listening already."

The podcast has had more than 1500 downloads. Listeners are mostly in the UK but there is a modest following worldwide too. Upcoming episodes feature a married couple, a local politician, a diocesan Communications Director, and a member of the LGBT+ community.






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