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Urgent call to action for peace in DR Congo

Source: Pax Christi

Pax Christi International and the Europe-Central Africa Network (EurAc) have issued an open letter following the recent webinar "Towards Sustainable Peace in the DRC". This letter addresses the escalating crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and underscores the urgent need for action from all stakeholders.

While the recent ceasefire between Rwanda and the DRC is a step forward, ongoing violations and worsening humanitarian conditions require more than temporary truces. We call for immediate nonviolent solutions, emphasising the need for enhanced regional mediation, respect for sovereignty, and strengthened international support for peacebuilding efforts.

Key priorities include prosecuting human rights violators, protecting civil society, ending violence against women and girls, and curbing the illegal exploitation of natural resources. The letter urges the international community, the DRC government, and regional actors to commit to lasting peace through dialogue, diplomacy, and inclusive decision-making.

Read the full letter to learn more about how you can join Pax Christi in advocating for a peaceful and sustainable future for the DRC.


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