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Holy Land: Israeli army launches major attack on West Bank

  • Dan Bergin

Separation Wall enclosing West Bank - Bethlehem 13/04/23. ICN/JS

Separation Wall enclosing West Bank - Bethlehem 13/04/23. ICN/JS

Source: BBC/AlJazeera/Vatican News

Israel launched a large military offensive in the occupied West Bank on Wednesday, attacking three cities and the refugee camps surrounding them, from land and air. Drone strikes hit Jenin, Tulkarm and Tubas as soldiers opened fire at people on the ground killing at least ten people, according to the Palestinian health ministry.

Additionally, the Israeli army began besieging all hospitals in the area, including Ibn Sina Hospital in Jenin, and prevented people from reaching the hospital and restricted the movement of ambulances.

So far, 11 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army, most of them civilians.

The army has also initiated a process of destruction, targeting infrastructure including electricity networks, water pipelines, and roads.

The Israeli army has also invaded numerous villages in the West Bank and is conducting a significant campaign of arrests. Dozens of people were arrested last night, and the operation which is the largest since 2002 is ongoing.

The Israeli army remains stationed in the area, and the operation continues, reflecting a dangerous escalation that suggests the transfer of the genocide and ethnic cleansing war crimes from Gaza to the West Bank.

The West Bank has been occupied by Israel since 1967, in violation of international law. Illegal Israeli settlers are taking are taking over more and more Palestinian land and property.

The Israeli military have described the attacks as "counter-terror" operations, without elaborating further.

Early Wednesday morning Israel's Foreign Minister tweeted about the need to displace Palestinians from areas in the West Bank.

The Israeli media, meanwhile, has barely reporting on the offensive.

Pope Francis on Wednesday again expressed his deep concern over the intensifying tensions in the Middle East, warning how these often escalate into open conflicts and war.

Addressing participants of the Latin Episcopal Conference of the Arabic Regions (CELRA) who are meeting in Rome for their plenary assembly, in his prepared remarks the Pope warned that "the conflict, instead of finding a fair solution, seems to be becoming chronic, with the risk of spreading and igniting the entire region."

The situation, the Holy Father noted, has resulted in countless deaths, massive destruction, and widespread suffering, fostering sentiments of hatred and resentment that could lead to future tragedies.

Despite the gravity of the situation, the Pope highlighted the importance of maintaining hope and nurturing solidarity and reassured the bishops of his spiritual closeness to them and the Churches they represent, encouraging them to persevere in their faith and to foster dialogue and peace.

"May the Lord always give you the strength to witness to faith in Him, even through respectful and sincere dialogue with everyone," he urged.

At the core of his message to the bishops was an appeal to be symbols of hope amidst the despair, encouraging them to "Keep the hope alive! Be yourselves, for all, signs of hope, a presence that nurtures words and gestures of peace, brotherhood, and respect," he said.

The Pope thanked them for being the "flame of hope where it seems to be extinguishing," and encouraged them to continue working towards reconciliation and overcoming deep-seated divisions with goodwill.

Finally, the Pope highlighted the importance of the pastoral work of those present, especially in providing adequate Christian education to students in public schools, particularly in regions where Christians are a minority.

He noted the profound value of this formation that, he said, helps the faithful deepen their understanding of the faith, and enables them to keep nourishing Christian hope.

The Pope concluded his address by thanking the bishops for their visit and invoking the protection and comfort of the Virgin Mary upon them: "I bless you with all my heart. Let us pray for each other."

See also: Owen Jones latest report on the Israeli incursion in the West Bank


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