The Discalced Carmelites in East Anglia

Source: Diocese of East Anglia
In his series about the Religious Congregations living and working in the Diocese of East Anglia, Fr Karol Porczak MS, Vicar for the Religious, introduces the Discalced Carmelites (ODC).
Pictured from left to right, top row: Sr Teresa, Sr Kay Elizabeth, Sr Elizabeth Ruth, Sr Deborah, Sr Maria Joseph; middle row: Sr Paula, Sr Anna, Sr Stephanie (Prioress), Sr Eleanor, Sr Penelope; bottom row: Sr Angela, Sr Veronica, Sr Shelagh, Sr Diane, Jennifer (postulant), Sr Sarah. Missing from the picture are Sr Nicola and Sr Marian.
To read Fr Karol's article on the history of the order and their community at Quidenham visit: