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Latest from the Tent of Nations

Source: Friends of Tent of Nations

Daoud & the Nassar Family write:

Dear Friends,

We remain forever grateful for all of the love and support you have given us over the years. You know that with peaceful persistence we have prevented the confiscation of the farm which has been in our family since 1916. Over these 108 years, the family has faced a great many attempts to break our spirit. But we hold forth, and give thanks for the simple fact that we are still here.

I want to let you know that the next hearing for the Re-registration of our land is scheduled for September 11th. Please take a moment to connect with your parliament members and ask them to take actions in support of the Tent of Nations and their long struggle for justice.

As you know, the situation in the West Bank continues to worsen. A good deal of agricultural land owned by Palestinians is being taken by settlers. Settlers and the Military have built roads through our property; and in the process have destroyed trees and fences. Most recently a structure is being built by settlers on a portion of our land. Road blocks have been placed that restrict access to our property, and threatening harassment is often directed towards us. We have responded to these intrusions by appealing to the Israeli Supreme Court. They have ordered the Military to see that all work on our property is stopped as it is in the process of re-registration. While the military denies they are involved in any of this work, the Court has scheduled a hearing in early October to hear from us and the Military regarding these recent intrusions on our property.

Please consider coming to volunteer at the farm (contact me through our website.

Inernational presence is so important for our protection at this time.

Thank you for understanding the urgency of the situation and for accompanying us on our long journey for justice. Our solace comes from the many who have joined us - in whatever way - whether in prayer, visits with us, political advocacy for our cause, joining us in working the land, or working quietly behind the scenes to advance an understanding of what is happening to the Palestinian people in this part of the world.

We remain in faith, love, and hope.

Daoud Nassar and Family

Urgent Action: Write to your MPs

Following Daoud's update above, and ahead of the hearing on 11th September. Please use this template to write to your MPs. Please copy & paste the text into an email, editing the sections in red. Find details of your MP here.

FotonUK Online Open Meeting: Wed 18th Sept, 7pm

We would like to welcome you all to an open Zoom call on Wednesday 18th September (7-8.30pm). This will be a chance to hear an update from Daoud, discuss ways in which we can support ToN from the UK & meet others who support & have a connection with Tent of Nations. Please put the date in your diaries and sign-up here if you would like to attend.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Volunteer at Tent of Nations

Daoud & the Nassar family are very keen to welcome volunteers to Tent of Nations.

Find out more about volunteering at Tent of Nations:

Volunteers through October - March would be particularly helpful for them. We are keen to support people to travel to Tent of Nations by answering questions / linking people up to travel together where possible.

If you are interested in volunteering/visiting, or already have a plan to, please let us know. We can arrange a chat with you if that would be helpful. Contact: You can also bring your questions to the open call on 18th Sept.

If you would like to volunteer, please complete ToN's volunteer application form:
Donate to Tent of Nations

Donations to Tent of Nations are very much appreciated. If you would like to donate, you can do so via this link!/

Donation.Details (with thanks to the British Shalom-Salaam Trust for holding donations for ToN in the UK).


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