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Holy Land: Church celebrates three new novice Sisters

Image: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Image: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Source: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

On Sunday, September 8, 2024, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mgr Rafiq Nahra, Patriarchal Vicar of Galilee, presided over an Investiture Mass at the Basilica of Our Lady of the Annunciation in Nazareth.

The Mass marked the transition of three postulants: Elise Helou from Lebanon, Dalin Maqbaa from Nazareth, and Sara Shehatit from Jordan, into the novitiate phase and their initial donning of the habit of the Order of the Holy Rosary.

Fr Ibrahim Sabbagh, parish priest of the Church of the Annunciation, along with numerous other priests, concelebrated the Mass. The ceremony was attended by several Rosary Sisters serving across the diocese, the postulants' families, and the faithful.

The ceremony began with the postulants declaring their commitment to wearing the habit of the Order of the Holy Rosary and dedicating themselves to a deeper engagement with the community's charism, spirituality, and the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Msgr. Nahra blessed them with holy water, saying, "May God remove the old self from you and clothe you with the new person in Christ." The postulants then donned the habit and received their new names: Sister Elise, Sister Dalene, and Sister Sarah.

In his homily, Mgr Nahra underscored the significance of the Investiture Mass for both the religious sisters and the faithful, comparing it to the Act of Holy Baptism. He remarked, "The sisters are a living reminder and a sign for us believers through their consecrated life. We too get clothed in Christ through baptism and are called to embrace poverty, obedience, and chastity in different ways. This celebration reminds us of our true Christian vocation to live according to Christ's example in all aspects of our lives." He concluded by urging the faithful to discern God's call through prayer, silence, and communion with the Church.

At the end of the Mass, the Superior General offered thanks and prayers for the new sisters, seeking the Holy Family's intercession to accompany them toward their final perpetual vows.


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