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Gospel in Art: What description can I find for the men of this generation?

  • Father Patrick van der Vorst

Downtown Los Angeles, Street Art by Skid Robot, Sprayed in 2017 © The Skid Robot Project

Downtown Los Angeles, Street Art by Skid Robot, Sprayed in 2017 © The Skid Robot Project

Source: Christian Art

Gospel of 18 September 2024
Luke 7:31-35

Jesus said to the people:

'What description can I find for the men of this generation? What are they like? They are like children shouting to one another while they sit in the market-place:

'"We played the pipes for you, and you wouldn't dance;

we sang dirges, and you wouldn't cry."

'For John the Baptist comes, not eating bread, not drinking wine, and you say, "He is possessed." The Son of Man comes, eating and drinking, and you say, "Look, a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners." Yet Wisdom has been proved right by all her children.'

Reflection on the Graffiti Wall

Our Gospel reading today begins with the question: "What description can I find for the people of this generation?" It makes one wonder-what would Jesus say about our generation today? Are we a people who truly recognise Christ's presence around us? I suspect we often fall short. Perhaps it is because we've lost the ability to notice Christ in the world around us: in the homeless person on the street, in the unexpected call from an old friend, in the beauty of a sunset over the sea, or even in art. These moments can easily be dismissed as random events, or we can choose to see them as signs of Christ's presence with us, around us, and within us.

Often, it is in the small, everyday occurrences that we catch glimpses of Jesus and realise His personal involvement in our lives. But in order to be able to recognise Him in these moments, our hearts must be fully open to Him. Is my heart open enough to see Jesus in the beauty of the sunset? Is it compassionate enough to see Him in the homeless person I pass by? Is my heart patient enough to see Christ in the colleague I struggle to get along with? When we actively seek Him in the world around us, our hearts become filled with His presence.

By learning to see Christ in everyone, we naturally treat others with greater kindness, respect, and humanity. This is especially true for the most vulnerable among us, the homeless. A powerful example of this is the L.A.-based graffiti artist 'Skid Robot,' who brings a sense of dignity to homeless individuals by painting their dreams around them. In collaborating with them, he offers not only unique artwork but also a moment of joy and recognition, reminding them-and us-of their inherent worth. The artists talks to the homeless, asks what they would ideally have in their home, and then sprays their dreams around them. It is a very small gesture, but nevertheless one that is rather beautiful.


Gospel in Art:
Today's Reflection:


Apostleship of the Sea

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