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More than a million children to pray the Rosary for peace

  • Amy Balog

Slovakia: Children praying Rosary in 2019 © ACN

Slovakia: Children praying Rosary in 2019 © ACN

Source: ACN

A Catholic charity is hoping to exceed last year's milestone of more than a million children joining a campaign to pray the Rosary for peace in the world's conflict zones.

Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) is holding its "One Million Children Praying the Rosary" initiative for the 19th year in the row on 18th October.

Last year the target of a million children praying the Rosary for peace was reached for the first time - and the charity wants to see even more young people taking part in 2024.

ACN (UK) National Director Caroline Hull said that the charity is "hoping to surpass last year's record of 1,039,628 children praying the Rosary for peace around the world".

She added: "We would like to invite all our friends and benefactors here in the UK and beyond to encourage all the children they know to join this powerful initiative inspired by Our Lady of Fatima."

This year's motto - "Pray the Rosary and there will be peace" - places at the centre of the campaign the request made by Our Lady of Fatima in 1917.

Through this initiative, ACN is also participating in the "Symphony of Prayers" campaign, which Pope Francis called for on the occasion of the 2024 Year of Prayer - and which also paves the way for the 2025 Jubilee Year.

In a statement, Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, ACN (International) President, and Father Anton Lässer, ACN (International) Ecclesiastical Assistant, wrote that everyone should "apply strength and imagination, so that in as many places as possible prayer meetings can take place…

"Go to children's groups, schools, prayer groups, radio and television, digital platforms, social media… and win over your own children and grandchildren for the prayer of the Rosary."

The "One Million Children Praying the Rosary" campaign has taken place every year on 18th October since first being organised in Caracas, Venezuela in 2005.

There is free material - including colouring pictures for children and more information about the campaign - available online for those looking to help encourage their parishes, schools, children's groups and families to join the initiative.

For more details and to sign up to join the campaign, please visit:


Aid to the Church in Need:


Congregation of Jesus

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