Pope Francis: True greatness can be found in caring for the weakest

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Source: Vatican Media
During the Angelus on Sunday, with pilgrims in St Peter's Square, Pope Francis explained the Lord's words on how true power and greatness do not lie in the dominion of the strongest, but in care for the weakest.
The Pope recalled how the Gospel in the day's liturgy tells us about the time when Jesus announces to his disciples that He will suffer, be handed over to men and killed, and rise three days after His death. But the disciples do not understand what the Lord means and are more concerned about who is the "greatest" in their discussions among themselves.
The Pope explained how the silence of the disciples when Jesus asks them what they were talking about among themselves is very revealing. He says this silence resulted from their shame before the Lord in discussing who was greatest among them, reflecting the pride that closed their hearts earlier in hearing and understanding the Lord's words. What the Lord said contrasted with their concerns when He spoke about the meaning of His very life offered up in gift, service and humility for all.
"And yet Jesus responds openly to the conversations whispered along the way: "If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all." Do you want to be great? Make yourself small, put yourself at the service of all."
The Pope emphasized how "Jesus renews our way of living" and teaches us that true power is not about domination by the strongest, but "care for the weakest." This is why He calls a child over to stand in their midst saying "Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me." The Pope observed how the child has no power, but depends on others, just as people have needs and require help to live.
We all are alive because of the care and love we have received, the Pope pointed out, but human thirst for power can make us forget that truth. He said seeking to dominate and not to serve inevitably causes suffering, and the first to feel it are "the little ones, the weak, the poor."
"How many people suffer and die for power struggles! Theirs are lives that the world denies, as it denied Jesus…However, the Gospel remains living and filled with hope: He who has denied is risen, He is the Lord!"
In conclusion, the Pope recommended we ask ourselves if we know how to see Jesus in those around us, especially the least and smallest. Do we take care of our neighbours, and do we thank those who have helped us?
"Let us pray together to Mary, to be, like her, free of vainglory, and ready in service."
After the Angelus, Pope Francis expressed his sorrow at the death of Juan Antonio López in Honduras (See ICN report: Honduras: CAFOD calls for justice as another environmental defender is killed www.indcatholicnews.com/news/50672 )
The Holy Father then greeted many of the groups present and once again appealed for peace in the world, saying: "Brothers and sisters, let us continue to pray for peace. Unfortunately, tensions are high on the war fronts. Let the voice of the peoples, who are calling for peace, be heard. Let us not forget tormented Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, Myanmar, the many countries that are at war. Let us pray for peace."
Watch the Angelus on the Vatican Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJBb1NCapwg
Read the official text of Pope Francis' address here: www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/angelus/2024/documents/20240922-angelus.html