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'Stewards of Providence & generosity'

Conference participants: John Browne, Eileen Cole, Tim Curtis SJ, Jonathan Heard, Lisa & John Green, Jemima Tanner, Keith McMillan SJ, Beth Breeze, Suzanne Wheeler & Lorna Goggin.

Conference participants: John Browne, Eileen Cole, Tim Curtis SJ, Jonathan Heard, Lisa & John Green, Jemima Tanner, Keith McMillan SJ, Beth Breeze, Suzanne Wheeler & Lorna Goggin.

A new relationship with wealth and those who need our help was at the heart of the 2024 Catholics in Fundraising conference hosted at Stonyhurst college on the 25th September.

Opening the conference Tim Curtis SJ said that fundraising isn't in the first place about asking people for money. Professor Beth Breeze of the Centre for Philanthropy at the University of Kent deepened this by looking at the relationships that support the best fundraising and what qualities those recruiting good fundraisers might look for. 'When it's done well those in fundraising feel they are helping to do something special with a feeling of joy' she said.

Catherine Crombie of Stonyhurst College framed the role of Catholic charities for the 800,000 children in Catholic education in this country as helping young people to develop a sense of justice and their participation in charities activities can give them a sense of achievement in making a real difference.

CAFOD's Laura Davis encouraged delegates to engage with companies whose values and staff were aligned with the work of Catholic charities to mutually benefit the programmes of charities and companies alike.

Belmont fundraising's Harvey Duthie underlined the importance for those in fundraising to be aware of the priority of respect for vulnerable donors over any fundraising target.

Suzanne Wheeler said 'Stonyhurst was the right place for this conference as its very ethos reminded delegates that as well as the need for continual learning, we do this with God and in his Church'.

In the final session Keith McMillan SJ recalled Leo XIII's Rerum Novarum's teaching that whilst there is a right to private wealth for one's family needs, there is a Christian duty to give away from what remains.

Catholics in Fundraising convenor John Green reminded delegates that the collective work of Catholic charities is equivalent to the biggest charities and that continued networking and collaboration can only make this more effective.

Marie-Helene Paire, AD LIMINA UK Director 'thought this year's CiF conference was a refreshing and enriching experience - offering high-quality insights, diverse perspectives from a very engaged group (of fundraisers but not only!) and a safe place for genuine conversations and networking - all in a stunning, offline setting that truly allowed for a productive and focused 'day away'.

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Catholics in Fundraising is the UK's leading network for Catholics working in fundraising. It aims to build a strong community of like-minded individuals, offer insights into best practices, and encourage innovative approaches to fundraising within the Catholic context.

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