Poetry as Revelation?

'A work of art always has something sacred about it'
This quote from Hans-Georg Gadamer forms the starting point of the autumn 2024 issue of Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review, which considers the parallels between the transcendence and ontological insights poetry can offer with that of theology and prayer.
The focus is primarily on the writings and work of Séamus Heaney in a series of five commentaries; other essays touch on the theme in more diverse ways.
The issue opens with eight previously unpublished letters from Heaney to his friend Peter Steele SJ, also a poet and academic, which were discovered and edited by Steele's confrère Gerald O'Collins SJ (now deceased since publication of this issue of Studies). In an in depth reading of these letters, Eugene O'Brien concludes that the sacred is not solely the preserve of religious thought and discourse. Caitriona Clutterbuck, in her essay on Heaney's volume Human Chain, considers the gap between the world of human experience and encounters of transcendence. Patrick Crotty observes Heaney's personal characteristics of empathy, humour and discretion that shine through in his writings. And Thomas O'Grady writes about Heaney's 'second life' - that since passing away he has 'become his admirers'.
Other articles in the issue include Liam Kelly OFM's reflection on the priest as a sacred figure, which can ----and has -led to violence somehow being sanctified. Tom O'Reilly writes about his father Terence, who conducted rigorous study of early Jesuit history and the spiritual influences on St Ignatius of Loyola. Patrick O'Riordan SJ addresses the resurgence of Catholic integralism. And Declan O'Keeffe gives an account of the development of the city of Dublin in late medieval times. The work of two Irish poets, Mary O'Donnell and Liam Aungier complete the issue.
Studies: An Irish Quarterly Review autumn 2024, Séamus Heaney: Reaching for the Sacred is published by Messenger Publications. Priced at €10.
For further Information see: www.studiesirishreview.ie/product-category/default-category/current-issue/