Cardinal Nichols calls for prayers for peace in Middle East

Cardinal Vincent Nichols. ICN screenshot
Cardinal Vincent Nichols sent a message to priests in the Diocese of Westminster on Saturday, asking them to include urgent intercessions for peace in the Middle East in their weekend prayer intentions.
The Cardinal wrote:
Dear Father,
You do not need me to tell you of the seriousness of the present situation in the Middle East and, in particular, the violence presently taking place in Lebanon and Israel. We see clearly that the potential for an escalating conflict, and all that this implies, is now immediate.
I ask you to include in the intentions for prayer this weekend an urgent cry to our Heavenly Father to touch and change all hearts that are intent on warfare, and to strengthen those who work for ceasefires and the progress of peaceful cooperation.
As this conflict spreads, more division will appear. As well as the threats and dread that fill the hearts of Jewish people, this conflict will now touch more deeply all Islamic communities, especially the Shia community in Lebanon, as well as the Christian communities there. Please pray that relationships here between these three great faiths can endure, not only in the countless interfaith local projects in service of those in need, which are such a feature of our society today, but also in many personal friendships. This is the witness we must continue to give.
With all good wishes,