Call for global prayers for peace
As we approach October 7th and the one-year anniversary of the massacre in Israel and the war on Gaza, several organisations of bereaved Jewish and Palestinian parents and their friends, invite everyone around the world, to join them for a time of online prayers, reflection and action.
They say: "This moment calls us to honour the sacredness of every life lost to the ongoing violence, to acknowledge our deep sorrow, and to renew our commitment to peace, freedom, and safety for all.
"As part of many initiatives that are happening globally, on October 6, 7, and 8, we invite you to join our international community online each day at:
- 11am San Francisco PDT
- 2pm New York ET
- 9pm Jerusalem time.
- 7pm London time. GMT
"Through these three virtual gatherings, we seek to establish a unified ritual space to process grief, confront the systems of oppression that perpetuate immeasurable suffering, and reframe the crisis in Israel and Palestine by fostering a shared vision of reconciliation, justice, and collective actions to bring about peace."
The virtual gatherings will be facilitated by Nonviolence International, Parents Circle Families Forum/American Friends of Parents Circle Families Forum, and Combatants for Peace/American Friends of Combatants for Peace.
To join each of the days, see: