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Lebanon: Focolare centre welcomes displaced families

  • Helen Copeland

Photo: Focolare Lebanon

Photo: Focolare Lebanon

Source: Focolare Lebanon

The 'La Sorgente' Mariapolis Centre in Lebanon is opening its doors to families escaping the current bombardment in the region. Located in Ain Aar, a mountainous area 20 kilometres north of Beirut, the La Sorgente (meaning 'source' or 'fountain') Centre is run by the Focolare Movement.

With reports of hundreds of casualties, thousands injured and over a million displaced persons, many are fleeing the South of the country and some are finding refuge in the Mariapolis Centre.

"It is normal to knock on the door of the Mariapolis Centre and find it wide open," one member of the Focolare community said. "How could we not welcome them? What would have become of the ideal of fraternity that we cherish and which should be our hallmark?"

A similar experience occurred in 2006, the year of the 34-day military conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, recalls Marigia Fernandes, Interfaith Officer for the Focolare Movement in Great Britain. "I was living in the Focolare house in Beirut during that time," said Fernandes. "We had to leave the city to escape the bombardment. I have heard from my friends who are still there that some of the children we welcomed to the Mariapolis Centre in 2006 are now seeking shelter with their own children".

There are currently nearly 200 people sheltering at La Sorgente, more than the number accommodated in 2006. However, R remembers those days as also a time of hope: "We met in those conditions and became like brothers and sisters, sharing joys and sorrows, hopes and difficulties, needs and prayer. In a simple and sincere relationship, woven into everyday life, a true experience of fraternity started and grew, without filters or prejudices".

Accommodating these guests has not been straightforward, for many reasons. "Their presence raises questions in the Christian community of the region", said another member of the Focolare community. "Some wonder: are there members of Hezbollah among them who could threaten peace in the region? But the sense of solidarity is stronger than suspicion". R adds: "Where could they seek shelter this time too? Where could they go and know that they would be welcomed without reservation?" In a multi-agency response, the humanitarian action is being coordinated with the support of local religious and civil authorities.

The La Sorgente Centre aims to be an oasis of peace. "The hope, the deepest wish is that we can soon return home... But above all we believe and hope that from this crucible of pain a message of possible brotherhood for the entire region can emerge from Lebanon."

The Focolare Movement acknowledges that all the communities in the Middle East have suffered loss and deprivation due to the recent conflict. The Focolare community comprises people of different faiths and backgrounds, and is committed to building peace through dialogue and reconciliation.

Additional source material: Maria Chiara Biagioni/AgenSir




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