Synod: LGBTQ Catholics simply want to feel welcome

l-r: Juan Carlos Cruz, James Martin, SJ, Christopher Vella, Janet Obeney-Williams and Michael J O'Loughlin
Source: Outreach
LGBTQ Catholics simply want to be welcome to participate in the life of the church, a globally diverse group of panelists told delegates to the Synod on Synodality and other church leaders at an event held on Tuesday, 8 October, in Rome, Michael J O'Loughlin writes in Outreach.
The panel was moderated by James Martin, SJ.
"We belong," Joanita Warry Ssenfuka, a Catholic lesbian from Uganda who runs the organization Freedom and Roam Uganda, said when asked what message she wanted delegates to hear. Ms Ssenfuka said that the message of Jesus was one of love and urged church leaders to see LGBTQ Catholics as human beings rather than as the summation of their sins.
Another panelist, Janet Obeney-Williams, a married lesbian from London, said that she joined the Catholic Church as an adult after being raised Anglican because of welcoming comments from Pope Francis toward the broader LGBTQ community. A retired physician, Dr Obeney-Williams volunteers at Farm Street Church, where she helped lead the parish's response to the global synod inquiry.
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