Catholic Podcast looks at Pilgrimage and a Faith Journey

Pilgrims on the Clifton walk
Travel writer and pilgrim Phil McCarthy shares aspects of his faith journey in this week's episode of the 'All Kinds of Catholic' weekly podcast.
While the synodal assembly continues in Rome, Catholic people can tune in to the podcast and 'encounter' a different guest each week, closer to home. Fr Timothy Radcliffe, opening the assembly, said: "We listen… not so as to reply but so as to learn. We stretch open our imagination to new ways of being the household of God which has room for everyone."
The conversation in this week's episode - the 20th in the series - was fittingly recorded outdoors and on the move. Phil McCarthy of Pilgrim Ways was mapping out part of the new Shrewsbury Diocesan Pilgrim Way and podcast host, Theresa Alessandro, walked and talked alongside him.
Shortly before setting out, Theresa and Phil met for Mass in Shrewsbury Cathedral. Phil wryly noted that they both carried backpacks and snacks despite the Gospel reading of the day recounting Jesus' solemn instruction: 'Take nothing for the journey: neither staff, nor haversack, nor bread, nor money…'
Like many pilgrimage experiences, the conversation took place against a background of rain falling through the trees. In the first part of their conversation, Phil recalled his altar-serving days when a girl called Bunty temporarily crashed his childhood faith. Later, Marist teachers nurtured it again through bold words and practical action for the marginalised.
Theresa and Phil parted ways near Haughmond Abbey. From there, Phil was going on to walk a total of 80 miles - mapping the last of the new Diocesan Ways. These routes form one part of Phil's innovative project 'Hearts in Search of God' - a title borrowed for the podcast episode too.
Other recent podcast guests come from Arundel, Birmingham, Durham, Brentwood and even Canada. One regular listener reported that 'there is so much to think about.'
The 'All Kinds of Catholic' podcasts have attracted over 2,500 downloads since launching in June 2024. Podcast veterans will know that it is helpful to 'rate and review' episodes you have enjoyed. The algorithm will then help others to find them. Do tune in and be part of the growing community of listeners in this 'household of God'.
This week's episode:
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