Bethlehem youth worker recalls his horrific detention without charge

Anas Abu Srour
Source: Aida Youth Center
In December 2023 we reported on the arrest and detention without charge, of Anas Abu Srour, executive director of a youth club in Aida refugee camp near Bethlehem. We supported a campaign calling for him to be freed. Finally in August, Anas was released after serving nine months of brutal 'administrative detention' in several prisons.
Anas describes his ordeal in the the following letter:
It has been ten weeks since I was released from prison. I spent 253 days in detention, being starved, humiliated, insulted and beaten by Israeli forces, without ever being told why this was happening to me. And I spent 253 days away from my family and my son, who grew from a baby into a toddler during my absence. Aljazeera published an article about my experiences in administrative detention, which you can read HERE.
Thankfully, I have been allowed to return back home, back to safety. But thousands of Palestinians like me remain in arbitrary detention, living in inhumane conditions when their only crime is to be born Palestinian. Among them are Khadr and Ahmad, a member of Aida Youth Center's board and our security officer, who have been detained for a year now without charges or trial.
I want to thank all of you who supported me and Aida Youth Center during this difficult period with prayers, messages, donations, the petition, protests, letters to politicians... It has been heartwarming to see how extensive and active our global network of friends is.
The Israeli forces tried to destroy my spirit, but I emerged from this experience more determined than ever to support my community and build a better future for Palestinian youth. During this ongoing occupation and genocide, we are trying to create a safe space for children where they can play, learn, release some of their stress, and process trauma.
Though we have to watch in horror at the unfolding genocide being committed on our people, we are doing what we can to provide a safe space for the children of Aida camp.
In solidarity,
Anas Abu Srour
Executive Director of Aida Youth Center
Aida Youth Centre: