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Cardinal Vincent welcomes Pope's new Encyclical

Cardinal Nichols. ICN Screenshot.

Cardinal Nichols. ICN Screenshot.

Source: Archbishops House

Today, 24th October, Pope Francis released his fourth Encyclical Letter on the Human and Divine Love of the Heart of Jesus, entitled Dilexit Nos, 'He loved us' (Romans 8:37). Cardinal Vincent praised this 'remarkable Letter', noting that it, 'speaks eloquently of the love of God for every person'.

He highlights the Letter's invitation to 'anyone who is broken-hearted, or feeling empty of heart, or yearning for love, or filled with the joy of a loving heart'.

Read his welcome in full below.

'I welcome the remarkable Letter published today by Pope Francis.

'It speaks eloquently of the love of God for every person. It speaks the language of the heart, a language known to all who love, who yearn, who feel pain, who know loneliness.

'It speaks of the heart of Jesus, both fully human and filled with the infinite, divine love of the Creator for every person. This Letter speaks eloquently of the ceaseless yearning of the heart of Jesus for us to allow his love to fill our hearts and find in him our way home, to the Father. It speaks of the Holy Spirit of God, the fire of love, holding our hearts and guiding us into the fulness of life.

'The invitation of this Letter is clear: let anyone who is broken-hearted, or feeling empty of heart, or yearning for love, or filled with the joy of a loving heart, come and read this Letter. It is, quite simply, addressed to us all.

'In it we will find not only an echo of ourselves but an invitation to come close to the Heart of Jesus who brings to us the fulness of the love for which we long.

'There we find the source of living water that moves us and enables us to reach out to others, to offer forgiveness, to make amends for our failings, to seek to build healing relationships of faithfulness and service.

'In the Heart of Jesus we find the love we need in order to build a better world. As Pope Francis says:

'"For it is by drinking of that same love that we become capable of forging bonds of fraternity, of recognizing the dignity of each human being, and of working together to care for our common home"' (217).

'This is the testimony of Pope Francis, a testimony written in his heart and offered to the hearts of all.'

Read the full encyclical here:


Congregation of Jesus

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