Gaza: CAFOD partner doctors injured in Israeli strike

Photo by khalid kwaik on Unsplash
CAFOD is praying for two doctors, working for its partner organisation Caritas Jerusalem, who have been injured during intense shelling in Al-Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza.
The assault left homes in ruins, disrupted vital infrastructure, and led to numerous civilian casualties, cutting off access to essential healthcare and support services.
Despite the mounting dangers, Caritas teams remain steadfast, delivering critical medical aid on the ground. CAFOD stands in solidarity with Caritas Jerusalem, all its staff and all affected, and is continuing to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
This morning, a spokesperson for Caritas Jerusalem sent us this heartbreaking update: "On the night of Friday, November 1, 2024, a bombardment struck North of Al-Nuseirat refugee camp, injuring two Caritas doctors and devastating their families.
A female doctor sustained a leg injury, while a male doctor was pulled from the rubble with a broken collarbone. Tragically, he lost his brother, his brother's wife, and their two young children, including a six-week-old infant. Other family members were also injured. The father of a second female Caritas doctor was injured in the same incident.
The doctors were at home with their families when the attack occurred. They work at Caritas Medical Point in the South of Al-Nuseirat camp.
All we can do is pray and hope for a swift recovery for the injured. We reiterate our plea for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and the region to prevent further loss of innocent lives."
Our prayers at CAFOD are with everyone in Gaza. If we receive more information to pass on from this incident, we will share it with you.
CAFOD is a member of the Disasters Emergency Coalition Appeal. To support their work see: