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Churches worldwide to pray for Armenian hostages in Baku

  • Jonathan Horsman

Patriarch Karekin II

Patriarch Karekin II

Source: Armenian Apostolic Church, London, WCC

With the 29th UN Climate Conference (COP29) starting in Baku, Azerbaijan, on Monday, 11 November, Churches around the world will hold Ecumenical Prayer Services to call for global unity this weekend, against the unlawful detention of captives in Baku.

The number of political prisoners detained in Azerbaijan has risen sharply in the run up to COP29, tripling since the start of 2023 to over 300 according to the "Union for the Freedom of Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan". It is hoped the initiative will put pressure on international governments to press Baku for the release of the prisoners before the climate conference starts.

International NGOs including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch cite reports of violations of prisoners' human rights, including detention in inhumane conditions, torture and refusal of adequate medical care. To bring attention to their plight, the Armenian Apostolic Church and the World Council of Churches, a worldwide fellowship of over 350 Christian denominations, are calling on member churches to conduct a simultaneous prayer service on Sunday 10 November, the day before COP29 starts.

The Supreme Patriarch of All Armenians, Karekin II, is calling on churches to "unite in a special day of prayer for all forcibly displaced suffering people and the release of the prisoners of war, and their safe return to their families."

In his letter to the Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay of the World Council of Churches, the Catholicos of All Armenians spoke of his conviction that "such a global prayer will encourage the participation of Christian communities, diplomatic missions, media representatives and all international organisations [in raising global awareness of] this ongoing humanitarian crisis and will provide a peace-bearing solution based on truth and justice".

Government ministers and national ambassadors in Washington, New York, London, Brussels and every major European capitol have been invited to attend services. Karekin II's letter of invitation states his hope that their involvement will draw attention to "the grave injustice that our sons and daughters of Artsakh endure as a result of forced displacement [and to the] many Armenian soldiers and civilians unjustly detained as prisoners of war and subjected to undue suffering".

The coordinated prayer services aim to highlight that while climate issues are being addressed at COP29, human rights violations by conference host Azerbaijan are very much on the agenda and cannot be 'greenwashed'.

The services are aligned with recent calls from US lawmakers and the European Parliament for the release of political prisoners and Armenian hostages as a peace gesture ahead of the climate conference. If the hostages and political prisoners are to be released, the prayer with be one of gratitude for the safe release of captives.

On 23 October, the European Parliament agreed a "Joint Motion for a Resolution on the situation in Azerbaijan, violation of human rights and international law and relations with Armenia". This catalogues the long list of crimes committed by Azerbaijan that should, in the view of signatory MEPs, prohibit the hosting of the world's major climate conference in Baku.

The European Parliament Resolution:

  • Criticises the choice of Baku as host city "owing to Azerbaijan's worsening human rights record, as well as recent and blatant violations of international law, including aggressive behaviour towards its neighbour Armenia";
  • Notes that "respect for fundamental human rights and civil society participation are enshrined in the host country agreement" which the Azerbaijani Government is committed to uphold; and
  • Laments that in the lead-up to the conference "Azerbaijani authorities have intensified their repression of civil society organisations, activists, opposition politicians and the remaining independent media through detentions and judicial harassment".
  • The prayer service is also aligned with a joint letter signed by 60 elected members of the US Congress to Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

The joint letter calls on Secretary Blinken to:

"Press for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners, hostages, and POWs, including ethnic Armenians, to enable a more conducive environment for successful diplomacy at COP29"

and "Press Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and the Government of Azerbaijan to take tangible measures that support regional peace, uphold human rights protections, and adhere to international laws and norms".

Azerbaijan itself has sought to describe the Conference as the first "COP of peace". Participating nations were to be asked to observe a "truce" during which they suspend hostilities for the fortnight-long duration of the conference, modelled on the Olympic truce observed by most governments during the Olympic Games.

This has drawn criticisms of hypocrisy in the international media, but an optimistic response from His Grace Bishop Hovakim Manukyan, Primate of the London Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church in the UK. The London branch will be holding the service at 4pm on Saturday 9 November, a day before Remembrance Day services. An equivalent service will be held in Dublin at 5pm on Sunday 10 November.

Bishop Manukyan commented: "We are deeply grateful to all who stand with us - through prayer, advocacy, or by speaking out to their governments and COP29 participants. This is a cause that transcends borders. It calls not only for justice for Armenian prisoners but for the dignity and freedom of all those unjustly held. Together, we are raising a voice against impunity and sending a clear message to the world's leaders: crimes and injustices against humanity must not go unanswered."

The prayer services will take place less than a week after the U.S. Presidential election. On the eve of the election, on 1 November, President Trump held a telephone conversation with His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia. Initiated by President Trump, the call discussed Artsakh, the Right of Return with Safeguards and accountability for ethnic cleansing in Nagorno-Karabakh. President Trump reaffirmed his support for the Armenians of Artsakh and his commitment to regional peace.

For further comment or interviews with Bishop Hovakim Manukyan, Primate of the London Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church, please contact Jonathan Horsman - // 07880 786582


Call for a Prayer for Armenia from Bishop Dr. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Moderator of the World Council of Churches:

The London Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church:

World Council of Churches:



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