Archbishop Justin Welby visits Bethlehem

Archbishop Justin prays at 'Christ in the Rubble' in Lutheran Church
Rev Munther Isaac writes on Facebook: On Saturday, Archbishop Justin Welby, accompanied by archbishop Hosam Naum of Jerusalem, visited Bethlehem. After spending time in the Nativity Church, the delegation visited the Christmas Lutheran Church, and I shared about to the story and meaning of the "Christ in the Rubble" manger and led the delegation into prayer, and we lit candles for the children of Gaza.
The archbishop then met with and listened to the plights and hopes of Palestinian youth, and clergy from Bethlehem. A powerful moment was when we as clergy from Bethlehem prayed for the archbishop and his family and ministry. I then accompanied the delegation to visit the Tent of Nations and the Nassar family, and the Makhrour valley and the Kissiyeh family, as they saw firsthand the impact of the settler movement and annexation on Palestinian lives and the future of Palestinian Christianity.
I am grateful for this solidarity visit and continue to call on church leaders to work for an immediate ceasefire and stand in solidarity with Palestinians who lived under apartheid. I emphasized the importance of accountability. Israel acts knowing they are above the law, because the international community has been granting Israel such unlawful immunity, let alone fund their settler colonialism.
These are very challenging and difficult days. Zionists have made their plans clear, and the world - and church leaders - must speak up more than ever.