Dom Simon Piatkowski appointed Prior Administrator of Pluscarden

Dom Simon Piątkowski
Source: Pluscarden Abbey
The Abbot President of the Subiaco-Cassinese Benedictine Congregation, Dom Ignasi Fossa, with his Council of Assistants, has appointed Dom Simon Piątkowski as Prior Administrator of Pluscarden, until the next regular canonical Visitation: that is, until June 2027. This decision was recommended to the President by our Abbot Visitor, Dom Cuthbert Brogan of Farnborough Abbey, who reached it together with his Provincial Council.
At the Abbatial election held at Pluscarden on Thursday 14th and Friday 15th November 2024, no candidate emerged with sufficient votes to become the community's fourth Abbot. According to our Constitutions, in an Abbatial election only four ballots are held. In the first three ballots, a two-thirds majority is required for election. In the fourth ballot, only a simple or absolute majority is required. If no candidate at the fourth ballot gains sufficient votes, it is for the Visitor to propose to the Abbot President a Prior Administrator to govern the community for a set term.
Dom Simon is the youngest member of the Pluscarden Community in solemn vows. He was born in Warsaw in 1979. While at University there, he played Volley Ball to a semi-professional level. Afterwards he went on to Essex University for further studies, gaining a doctorate in the field of Ethnology. He made his first profession at Pluscarden on 14th September 2011. Before his Ordination he gained a further theology degree by distance learning from the Dominican University on-line Programme "Dom-Uni". Dom Simon has served the community in many different ways: most recently acting as guest master.
Friends of the community should be reassured that the recent election took place very peacefully, in an atmosphere of both open frankness and fraternal charity. There has been no sense of division or crisis among the brethren. All are grateful to Abbot Cuthbert, who presided over the election with great competence. Not only was his calm efficiency much appreciated by all, but also his words of wisdom and encouragement.
Normally the Abbot Visitor would carry out the formal installation of the new Superior. But in the circumstances, being no longer present at Pluscarden, Abbot Cuthbert has demitted this task to Abbot Anselm.
Pluscarden Abbey: