Stand for life, stop assisted suicide

Campaigners of all faiths and none will be gathering outside Parliament on Friday morning, 29 November, to encourage MPs to vote against the Assisted Dying Bill.
We will be meeting from 8.15am-lunchtime in the Old Palace Yard, Westminster, London, SW1P 3JY. Nearest underground stations are Westminster and St James's Park.
If you would like to let the organisers know you are coming please visit: and share with everyone who may be interested in joining you.
There's still time to make a difference.
1. Keep asking your MP to vote against the bill
If you know your MP is against the bill, please thank them and encourage them to make sure they attend the second reading to vote against it.
If you know your MP is for the bill, please urge them to reconsider - the bill has profound consequences and it will be impossible, practically speaking, to fix the bill before the third reading.
If you do not know where your MP stands, visit: and ask them to oppose the bill.
To contact your MP visit:
2. Pray. Nothing is more important than prayer as we seek God's mercy on our nation. He loves to hear the requests of those who seek him. See: