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WCC urges World Bank to champion sustainable future

Woman at microfinance meeting in Niger, supported by World Renew. Photo: Sean Hawkey/Life on Earth

Woman at microfinance meeting in Niger, supported by World Renew. Photo: Sean Hawkey/Life on Earth

On the International Day of Banks, observed 4 December, the World Council of Churches (WCC) sent a letter to the World Bank asking for engagement in a collaborative dialogue on climate-responsible finance.

The letter from Peter Prove, director of the WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, expressed deep appreciation for the World Bank's commitment to addressing issues that affect the most vulnerable communities, including children.

"As the accelerating climate crisis continues to be one of the most pressing global challenges of our time, we recognize its impacts in intensifying inequalities and disproportionately affecting vulnerable communities, especially children," wrote Prove. "As faith actors, we strive to be both advocates and implementers of climate justice."

Prove recognized that the World Bank has been instrumental in mobilizing resources for climate finance, a critical component of achieving resilience and sustainability in vulnerable regions.

"We acknowledge the World Bank's commitment to a 45% increase in its total lending towards climate finance in 2025," wrote Prove. "We believe this initiative is a beacon for international financial institutions and an important catalyst for a sustainable future for the world's children."

But Prove also noted that more can be done to fully align the World Bank's resources and influence to the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.

"We wish to propose a collaborative dialogue with you-through a meeting at your earliest convenience to discuss potential strategies for working together to accelerate the transition to clean energy and reduce fossil fuel dependency in developing economies," he said. "Faith communities can serve as partners and advocates for these efforts, working at grassroots levels to promote awareness and resilience."


WCC letter to the World Bank calling for dialogue on climate-responsible finance

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