Over 200 Christian leaders call for immediate Gaza ceasefire

Source: CMEP
As Christians worldwide prepare to celebrate the Prince of Peace, another global campaign, Advent Not Arms, is calling for an end to violence in Gaza and the broader Middle East. Organized as a collaboration between Embrace the Middle East (UK) and Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) in the United States, this campaign unites Christian leaders from more than 40 countries in a powerful plea for peace and the suspension of arms sales to Israel. In a letter, more than 200 global Christian bishops and executive leaders are calling on world governments to take decisive action to end the ongoing violence in Gaza and the Middle East.
The signatories demand an immediate ceasefire, unimpeded humanitarian aid, and the suspension of arms sales to Israel, emphasizing the urgent need for justice and peace during the Advent season.
The letter highlights the devastating toll of the conflict, with more than 40,000 Palestinians killed and entire communities destroyed in Gaza. The leaders underscore that the continued supply of arms exacerbates the violence and fuels regional instability. This global initiative, part of the Advent Not Arms campaign, reflects the moral conviction of Christian leaders, expressed in the letter, "that violence is a descending spiral that will never bring long-lasting peace and security."
Co-signers include:
Cardinal Alvaro Ramazzini, Bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Archbishop Vicken Aykazian, Ecumenical Director, Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
Sally Vonner, General Secretary, United Women in Faith
Very Rev Andrew RC McLellan, Former Moderator of the General Assembly, Church of Scotland
Right Reverend Rachel Treweek, Lord Bishop of Gloucester, Church of England
Bishop Wayne Berndt, Chairman, Japan Catholic Council for Justice and Peace
Rev. Mzwandile Molo, General Secretary, South African Council of Churches
Most Rev Patrick A Kelly, Archbishop Emeritus, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool
Bishop Alexis Mitsuru Shirahama, Bishop, Roman Catholic Diocese of Hiroshima, Japan
Abba Musie', Eparch emeritus of Emdeber, Metropolitan Archeparchy Church of Addis Ababa Ethiopia
A Unified Call for Action
The letter emphasizes the responsibility of Christian communities and world governments to uphold peace during this season of hope. The leaders ask, "How can Christians celebrate the Prince of Peace while their governments supply weapons that perpetuate violence?" The call comes at a critical time, as the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, the death toll now approaches and ceasefire efforts in the region remain tenuous.
Rev Dr Mae Elise Cannon, CMEP's Executive Director says: "For over 430 days, the war in Gaza has claimed countless lives, injured tens of thousands, and deepened the suffering and trauma of the entire region. The global community must rise to meet this moral crisis. Alongside more than 200 Christian leaders from around the world, I am calling for an immediate suspension of arms sales to Israel as weapons are being used in violation of international law, and causing grave harm to generations of civilians. I call all warring parties to lay down their weapons and stop using violence as a mechanism of control and oppression. The ongoing arming of Israel has allowed the Netanyahu government to act with impunity while perpetuating immeasurable violence and destruction against the entire over two million people - the vast majority civilians - living in Gaza. Advocating for an immediate end to the violence is the first step in opening the door to the pursuit of peace, justice, and a future where all people in Gaza, the West Bank, Israel, and the entire region can live free from the fear of violence, death, and destruction."
Global Advocacy in Action
As part of the Advent Not Arms campaign, Churches for Middle East Peace (CMEP) will host O Come, O Come Justice: A Global Advent Not Arms Vigil on December 18, 2024, from 11am to 12pm EST. (4pm - 5pm GMT) This virtual prayer service will bring together Christian leaders worldwide to amplify the call for justice and peace. Learn more and register here by visiting CMEP's event page.
The full letter and list of signers can be viewed here.