East Anglia: Bishop honours retiring Communications Director

Bishop Peter Collins with Keith Morris
Source: Diocese of East Anglia
Director of Communications Keith Morris was honoured recently by Bishop Peter Collins with the bestowal of a Diocesan Medal, presented during Mass at St John's Cathedral in Norwich.
Keith is retiring from his role at the end of December after nine years in the job, as the first-ever diocesan Director of Communications.
Keith has been editor of Catholic East Anglia, the diocesan Yearbook and the diocesan website. He has also handled media relations for the diocese and helped Bishop Peter, clergy, curia and parishes tell their stories of faith and works.
During his homily, Bishop Peter said: "John the Baptist was a herald and we are all called upon to be heralds. Keith has undertaken the work of a herald with great faith. Not being a Catholic, but a believing Christian, he has brought his personal faith to bear on his ministry in our midst working in the realm of social communications - a realm that is easily afflicted by cynicism. He has brought great professionalism to bear upon the task entrusted to him and never has he allowed cynicism to cloud his own voice in service to our diocese and the wider church, for he also exercises his professionalism serving the wider Christian community in our region and beyond.
"On behalf of the diocese, I thank you for your great service. I have been here for only two years of your nine years but, on the whole, you have kept me on the right path.
"Keith is a herald in our midst, capturing our voices. My own as bishop of course, but his reach has been to every parish, encouraging them to engage with the means of communication for the sake of the gospel. Reminding us, as the church, to employ our voice, a voice that should rejoice in the midst of the world with a message of hope. Your work Keith reminds us to constantly return to that unified thread, word and action.
"Keith, I bestow the diocesan medal on you as a symbol of our thanks, of our respect for your great work and as an expression too of our prayers for you in the days to come," said Bishop Peter. "May the Lord continue to bless you in your family and in the work which still awaits you.
Keith plans to do some travelling but will also be continuing his work as editor of the ecumenical Christian news website: www.networknorfolk.co.uk.
Keith said: "It has been a real pleasure working for the Diocese of East Anglia over the past nine years and helping them to tell the stories of their faith over that time. I am delighted that Bishop Peter has honoured me in this way."
Hear Bishop Peter's full homily here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIG9DYaqgMc