Call for testimonials for Cause of Brother Michael Strode

Brother Michael Strode
The Committee for Brother Michael's Cause (CBMC) have issued the following appeal:
Brother Michael - the founder of HCPT, an advocate for disabled people, a doctor and later a member of the Cistercian community at Caldey Abbey - died on 27 December 2019, aged 96. The CBMC was formed to prepare a case for him to be declared. a saint. The 'Cause' can only be formally launched five years after his death.
CBMC is keen now to collect testimonials as to his sanctity from all those who feel their lives have been influenced by his life, even if they never met him.
To create a body of evidence that speaks of Michael's saintliness, we welcome signed, written statements that would help to:
• build a picture of his Christian life and spirituality - showing that he might be worthy to be considered for the path to canonisation
• show how his example has encouraged people privately to seek his spiritual intercession on their behalf.
For inspiration, do read his biography, 'Who are you looking for? - an introduction to the life and spirituality of Michael Strode', by John Wolff.
Please send your submissions to CBMC c/o HCPT, Oakfield Park, 32 Bilton Road, Rugby CV22 7HQ
Your statement will be held confidentially and only disclosed to the Cause's postulator and his/her assistants.
For more detail, and for general guidance on how you might frame a testimonial, see: