Jubilee 2025 with National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN)

Pope Francis has declared 2025 to be a year of Jubilee and we are called to be PILGRIMS OF HOPE.
In biblical terms, Jubilee offers a vision of economic and environmental justice and liberation, release from debt and slavery. It is a time for renewal of the land with people returning to their roots. It is also a time for celebration of the whole of creation.
For J&P activists the Jubilee year will be a time to reflect and refocus, offering a huge challenge but also opportunity to look carefully at what we are about, especially for NJPN as a network. We work in partnership with so many inspirational groups, agencies, organisations and individuals who are committed to working for justice and peace in a very volatile world.
A key element of Jubilee 2025 will be the opening of Holy Doors, and for many people this will resonate very powerfully both liturgically and spiritually. As NJPN, we need to be pushing doors open and making sure they don't close.
As pilgrims of hope, NJPN resolves to open wide the doors for future generations ensuring as we go that no one is left behind. You are invited to Journey with us this Jubilee Year as we open the doors to a just peace for current and future generations
You are invited to join us as we commit to taking restorative action to bring about peace and justice for migrants, for people living in poverty and inequality, and for a world in climate crisis. We owe it to future generations to make this Jubilee permanent
NJPN's focus for the year ahead of Jubilee is 'Opening Doors:
Thursday 6 February: Opening Doors to those affected by slavery and Trafficking Evening via Zoom -- Brian O'Toole
Monday 7 April: Opening Doors to Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Evening meeting via zoom
Saturday 10 May: Opening Doors to a sustainable future for all people
Networking Day in London - NJPN Environment Group to facilitate the event at CAFOD's office in South London.
Conference 25 - 27 July - 'A Just Peace' - Challenging the inevitability of violence.
Conference at Swanwick in Derbyshire.
Thursday 30 October 2025: Evening event via Zoom - Post Conference Catch Up
Details at: www.justice-and-peace.org.uk/