Pope Francis: Safeguard life to build a civilisation of peace

Nativity scene in St Peter's Square
Source: Vatican Media
Pope Francis led the first midday Angelus prayer of 2025 in a crowded Saint Peter's Square yesterday, reflecting on the "surprise and the joy of Christmas." The Pope recalled the Gospel that narrates the arrival of the shepherds in the grotto in Bethlehem after witnessing the proclamation of the angels telling them about the newborn saviour, Messiah, and Lord. The Pope described this encounter which "fills everyone with wonder", as they saw with their own eyes the infant Jesus, and they experienced "the heart of Mary, who kept and reflected on all these things."
The Pope offered his reflections following the traditional morning Mass over which he presided for the Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, and the January 1st World Day of Peace.
Recalling the Hebrew meaning of Jesus, "God saves", the Pope explained how this is exactly what the Lord will do and came into the world to accomplish by offering us His very life.
"God chose to be born for us: Jesus is the revelation of His eternal love, which brings peace into the world."
The Pope then explained how the heart of Mary "corresponds to the newborn Messiah, who manifests the mercy of the Father." Her immaculate heart is the ear that listened to the proclamation of the Archangel Gabriel, and the hand of the bride given to Joseph, as well as the embrace experienced by Elizabeth in her old age, the Pope added.
"In Mary's heart beats the hope of redemption and salvation for every creature."
Observing how mothers always have their children at heart, the Pope said on this New Year's Day dedicated to peace, we should remember mothers in a special way, those who "rejoice in their heart" and those who bear "a heart full of suffering, because their children have been taken away by violence, by arrogance, by hatred."
"How beautiful is peace! And how inhuman is war, which breaks the hearts of mothers!"
In conclusion, the Pope suggested we carry out our own introspection on these themes, first looking at our ability to remain in silence contemplating the birth of Jesus and how we try to cherish in our own hearts the wondrous reality and message of goodness and salvation. Also, he recommended we reflect on how we can reciprocate such a great gift by freely offering gestures of peace, forgiveness, reconciliation.
"May Mary, the Holy Mother of God, teach us to keep the joy of the Gospel in our hearts and bear witness to it in the world."
Read the full reflection: www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/angelus/2025/documents/20250101-angelus.html
Watch the Angelus on Vatican Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7ipMnYRNbw