USA: People of faith plan vigil on anniversary of 6 January attack

On January 6, 2021, some who stormed the US Capitol wore or carried messages suggesting that their faith had motivated them to attack American democracy. One of the first rioters to enter the Senate Chamber carried a Christian flag, while others at the Capitol waved Bibles. Many who committed acts of violence that day in the name of their faith faced justice for their actions are now seeking and may receive unconditional pardons.
The interfaith organizers of the 'Faith in Democracy' Interfaith Prayer Vigil that will take place on the evening before the anniversary attack on Sunday, January 5 at 3.30pm ET in-person at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation and online via live stream.
"I'm reminded of Jesus' timeless words 'Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free' (John 8:32) each year as we mark the anniversary of the Jan. 6 insurrection. Lamenting and telling the truth about what happened that day is imperative for safeguarding our democracy and redeeming the Christian witness." said Rev Adam Taylor, Sojourners.
FAN Executive Director Michele Dunne said: "As Franciscans, we are called to act as peacemakers and bridge-builders as well as advocates of justice. The legacy of January 6 continues to divide Americans and create concern about the health of our democracy as well as our ability to resolve political differences without violence."
The fourth annual 'Faith In Democracy'' vigil, organized by Franciscan Action Network (FAN), Sojourners, and Faith in Peace Concerts, will take place on Sunday, January 5, 2025 at 3.30pm ET at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation (212 East Capitol St NE, Washington DC 20003), and online via livestream. Organizers seek to flip the script on January 6 to create a day of unity behind democracy, justice and peace.
David Searby, Faith in Peace Concerts Project Director, said: "Our vigil will show how sacred scripture from many traditions supports pro-democracy, pro-peace, pro-justice values. We will speak out and make our voices known as threats to democracy, peace and justice grow."
Speakers and participants will pray for democracy and peace with music provided by the acclaimed Washington Douglass Chorale. Speakers will include: Sr Carol Zinn (Executive Director of Leadership Conference of Women Religious), Rev Adam Taylor (Sojourners); Imam Dr Talib M. Shareef (President, Masjid Muhammad, The Nation's Mosque); Rev Leslie Copeland Tune (National Council of Churches); Jeanné Lewis (CEO, Faith in Public Life); Bishop Julius Trimble (United Methodist Church); and Rev Paul Raushenbush (Interfaith Alliance).
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