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North West NJPN E Bulletin for January 2025

  • Anne O'Connor

Jenny Sinclair

Jenny Sinclair

The e-bulletin for the North West, linked to the National Justice and Peace Network (NJPN), is produced jointly within the dioceses of Lancaster, Liverpool, Salford, Shrewsbury and Wrexham.

To start off the New Year we're shining a spotlight on some of the dreamers and thinkers who feature regularly in these bulletins with reflections to challenge and inspire us: Rev'd Jon Swales, David Gee, Jenny Sinclair, Jon Kuhrt and Ian Linden.

In her piece, 'Through the Holy Spirit, God is with us where we are', Jenny Sinclair, of Together for the Common Good, says: "Each of us is called to join in with positive energy, becoming attuned to where the Holy Spirit is active in our neighbourhood, joining in and seeing what happens.

"Church communities have a vital role to play as constructive partners, no matter how vulnerable they may feel. Crucially it must start, not with our own plans, but by discerning what the Spirit is already doing. We need to recognise that God is not abstract, but really and truly among us."

There is information about the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope' which runs from 26 December 2024 to the feast of the Epiphany in 2026. Pope Francis opened Holy Doors in the four Roman Papal Basilicas. In addition, he opened one in the Roman prison of Rebibbia, marking a historic moment in the history of Jubilee years. It was the first time that a Holy Door was opened in a penal institution.

NJPN plans for the Jubilee Year involve opening the doors to a just peace for current and future generations. NJPN is committed to taking restorative action to bring about peace and justice for migrants, for people living in poverty and equality and for a world in climate crisis. "We owe it to future generations to make this Jubilee permanent," says NJPN.

Also, there is a wealth of resources from Pax Christi to help us celebrate Peace Sunday on 19 January. And links to the 'All Kinds of Catholic' podcasts which reveal such interesting stories. There is a reminder about the Columban Schools Competition on the theme of Jubilee, which is into its final month.

The diary offers plenty of events to broaden knowledge and network with social activists.



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