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Colombia: Humanitarian aid corridor established and state of emergency declared

Lorry brings aid provided by Cúcuta diocese

Lorry brings aid provided by Cúcuta diocese

Source: Fides

President Gustavo Petro has declared a state of emergency and deployed the army in the Catatumbo region of Colombia, in response to a wave of violence, mainly due to the control of international cocaine trafficking.

The National Coordinator for Disaster Risk Management of Caritas Colombia, report that among the victims of this serious crisis, the worst since 2002, are civilians, minors, pregnant women, people with disabilities and members of indigenous communities.

In about 10 days, the clashes between the guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN) and the fighters of the "Frente 33" of the former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have left more than a hundred dead, thousands of internally displaced people have had to flee their homes and just as many are isolated and unable to move due to the violent clashes. Meanwhile, many people continue to flee to areas considered safe.

To help the many innocent victims, a humanitarian aid corridor has been set up to provide additional support by delivering products, drinks, food for immediate consumption and tools. In the affected areas, thousands of people have sought refuge in the parishes and seminaries of the Catholic Church in Tibú, Ocaña, Gabarra and Tabo. Thanks to the collaboration of the dioceses of Cúcuta, Ocaña and Tibú with the "Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia" (ANDI), "Bancos de Alimentos de Colombia" (ÁBACO) and through monetary donations, 23,622 kilos of food and essential goods have already been provided.

According to the Ministry of Defense, to date more than 47,000 displaced people have fled to the towns of Tibú (10,482 displaced), Ocaña (10,719), Cúcuta (16,663) and other municipalities (11,699). It is also estimated that more than 23,000 people are trapped in the region.

The Front Comuneros del Sur, a dissident group of the ENL, is one of the causes of the crisis between the armed group and the government after officially joining the peace process initiated in 2016, which was sealed with the peace agreement signed between the Colombian government and the then FARC guerrillas. "We are evacuating the leaders and signatories from Catatumbo who are being persecuted by the ELN; a first contingent of 400 men is said to have already arrived in the region," said Defense Minister Iván Velásquez.


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