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Funeral Homily for Fr Sean Carroll

The Funeral Mass of Fr Sean Carroll took place yesterday, 30 January, at Most Sacred Heart Church, Ruislip. Cardinal Vincent Nichols presided and Fr Joe Ryan gave the following homily.

Dear Friends,

In June 1988, 36 years ago, Archbishop Thomas Morris ordained 14 young men to the priesthood in the Cathedral of the Assumption, Thurles, Co Tipperary. James Walton, Celcus Tierney, Michael Ryan, Mgr Liam Slattery….

As Symbols were presented to the candidates, The Scriptures, a chalice-and a patten. The words accompanied the actions:

"Receive the oblation of that sacrifice of the holy people of God.

Understand what you do;

Imitate what you celebrate

Conform your life to the mystery of the Lord's cross".

I can't think of anyone who has carried out this command better than Fr. Sean Carroll whose funeral we celebrate today. Tere was total commitment and prodigal dedication on Sean's part.

Sean, you are the embodiment of the scriptures heard today….

"Here is my servant whom I uphold; I have given him my Spirit so that he may bring true justice to the nations; he doesn't break the crushed reed or quench the wavering flame…."

This was Sean's style of ministry…

He lived the Beatitude's… blessed are the poor in spirit, the peacemakers, those who hunger and thirst after what is right…"

Father Sean, a wonderful committed priest; served the people of this diocese well for 37 years; a true friend and an inspiration to so many people. You who are here today. Can testify to this as much as I can

Much of his zeal must have been founded in his apostolic work with the Legion of Mary, prior to his going to the seminary in Thurles. This time in Iceland with Fr Bobby Bradshaw in Reykjavík; his stint in Calcutta with the Mother Theresa Sisters looking after the poor… These experiences helped to shape his style of ministry when he was ordained.

He always blamed me and thanked me for a steering steering him towards the Archdiocese of Westminster. As a first year student back in 1982, he came to me at Somers Town, Euston, during the Christmas holidays. He visited the seminary and was accepted for the Westminster Diocese. The rest is history.

He was so happy at his first parish, New Southgate, With Fr Haughey, and Fr Paul McGinn. Your first appointment as a priest is always so important. It sets the scene for the rest of your ministry.

He enjoyed Willesden and Stonebridge Park and Edmonton and Stroud Green. There he was my neighbour for many years. He brought a lot to the Deanery of Haringey.

One of his projects at St Peter-in-Chains, Stroud Green, was the building of a large engraved window in the porch of the church… engraved there were the images of Saint Peter; St Mother Teresa; St Oscar Romero; Dorothy Day; St Maximilian Kolbe; Sr Josephine Bakhita. What does that say about the man? And all with total support of the parishioners.

Fr Sean followed the Camino de Santiago for seven weeks; he sent some lovely reflections of that spiritual journey. The experience made a deep impression on him.

When he was appointed here, to the Most Sacred Heart parish, he was a little bit apprehensive. He had in mind a quiet little Parish somewhere, maybe in Hertfordshire. But Cardinal Vincent and Mgr Martin had other ideas!! Fr Sean was the man for Ruislip! And how right they were.

He could see the challenges and the potential of this fine Parish. With the Parish team, Fr Jos Ann, Daniela, Siobhan, Holly.He was so proud of you!!He really valued the presence of Fr Paul too. He set about continuing the work done by Fr Duncan, Fr Michael and committed parishioners. He wanted to build on their foundations.

What a shock to this Community, losing two priests in two years.

SPORT: he was an avid Arsenal supporter. How many of us did he win up; Young and old; family and friends, were reminded of the beautiful game of football. He was such a tease. But he was able to take a joke against himself too. As a Spurs supporter, I had a lot to put up with. A tribute will be paid to Fr Sean on the Programme in one of the forthcoming games at the Emirates Stadium.

He loved the golf; as he often said, it was what kept him sane. That weekly outing on a Thursday. He always looked forward to it. Sean was a terrier on golf, never knew when he was beaten… no let up… When we were out on the second or third hole, he would say, "Isn't it wonderful to be out here in God's fresh air and a beautiful countryside; whether that was Mill Hill, Brookmans Park; Chestfield Downs, High Post, Thurles, Nenagh, Alto or wherever. These were all magic places to Sean, where he could recharge his batteries and continue doing God's work. We were due to go on our golfing holiday to the Algarve 7th February. Our group of eight considered cancelling the trip…but that's not what Sean would want.

The children loved him and had their own analysis of liturgy and rubrics. When the teacher and Catechist were talking to the children about the parts of the Mass and were explaining about the introduction, sorry prayers, the Gloria, the readings, the Gospel AND "children, what follows after the gospel? One child piped up and said,"is that where Fr Sean would tell stories and makes people laugh?" Not sure what the Liturgist would have to say!

Fr Sean, your family loved you and you likewise. There was always the family gathering to celebrate Mass on your arrival on holiday in Two-Mile-Borris….. Getting all the family together was so important.


For being a friend to so many people; bringing comfort, wisdom and healing to their lives.
Thank you for using the media to bring the gospel message alive to so many on, YouTube, podcasts, newsletters etc.

Thank you for being a Good Shepherd, 'smelling of the sheep', as Pope Francis would put it. Yes, close to your people....

Thank you for the ability to engage people in the life of the parish and the church.

Thank you too Sean for the Scud missiles and curved balls you were able to send into Clergy gatherings and pose the necessary questions for clarification!

Thank you for your love of Fr Ron Rolheiser, the Oblate priest you admired and quoted so often for us. We all benefited from that.

Thank you Sean for sharing your parents' wisdom. When I would be complaining about things going wrong, you would say; "As my mother often said, there will be days like that". In other words, get on with it and stop moaning! This is what he did

IMAGE; I have the image of Sean leaving these earthly shores. As he left, a new seashore loomed up. On that shore, waiting for him and beckoning him to come, was Jesus, his parents, family members, priest friends, and all those whose funeral Masses he celebrated. All their friends too, were out there waiting for him on the shore to welcome him into the eternal kingdom......

YES, leaving us has been a sad event; but we must not be selfish.. we have to let Sean go to his eternal reward in thankfulness for the time he has been with us.... our grief must be turned into APPRECIATION; there is a precious gain that comes from loss; there is a tender sweetness that comes from grief, that is appreciation… we leave Sean in God's safe keeping.

I imagine there are things I've not been able to cover. Treasure the memories you've got; they are special to you.....

Sean, we say together with you... May your soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen.

And finally, Sean, I'm going to embarrass you; you were never one for fuss or adulation. I'm going to ask that all of us here and those joining us on line, would says BIG THANK YOU for being a wonderful priest and friend, with a resounding round of applause...............


A Mass in celebration of Sean's life will be held in the Church of St James, Two Mile Borris, Tipperary, Ireland, on Saturday, February 15 at 1.30pm, followed by Burial of Ashes in the adjoining cemetery.


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