Julia Forsythe RIP - funeral details and UPDATE

Julia Forsythe, a much-loved parishioner at Our Lady Help of Christians in Kentish Town, northwest London, died on 13 December 2024.
Born in Cork, Ireland, Julia came to London in 1957, where she worked in a company on the stock exchange before becoming a teacher. She married Joe in 1974. They had two sons, Paul and John.
Julia was a very active member of her parish working on many projects with the Legion of Mary, with the homeless, housebound and refugees, and the Irish Centre in Camden. She went on many pilgrimages, organised many prayer, social and musical events and fundraisers. She researched and wrote a book: 'Jane Austen and the Irish Connection'. Julia also wrote several article and reviews for ICN.
She is survived by her brother, Fr John Buckley, two sons and two grand daughters, Alice and Emili.
We will be publishing a full obituary and tributes soon.
Julia's London funeral will take place at 6pm on 11 February, 2025, at Our Lady Help of Christians in Lady Margaret Road, Kentish Town, London NW5 2XT. Her funeral in Ireland will be on 14 February at 10am at North Chapel in Cork before her burial.
UPDATE: Watch videos of the funeral on the parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/OurLadysHelpofChristians