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Pope at Jubilee Mass for Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel: 'Be courageous witnesses of God's love'

Image: Vatican Media

Image: Vatican Media

Source: Vatican Media

"Be courageous witnesses of the love of God our Father..." Pope Francis stressed this at his Jubilee Mass for Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel on Sunday, as he reflected on St John's Gospel account of Jesus' actions at the Lake of Gennesaret.

The Pope noted firstly that Jesus, with a discerning gaze "saw," even amid the great crowd, the two boats approaching the shore and the disappointment on the faces of those fishermen, now washing their empty nets after a night of fruitless labour. He stressed how Jesus' gaze was full of compassion for them. We must never forget God's closeness, concern and tenderness for us always, as we see in Jesus' response here.

The Pope then asked his Master of Ceremonies, Archbishop Diego Ravelli, to continue reading his homily for him, as he was a bit out of breath. Over the past few days, the Pope has been getting over bronchitis, but he has continued his activities and meetings at his Casa Santa Marta residence.

Secondly, the Pope noted how, seeing their discouragement, Jesus went aboard asking Simon to put out a little way from the shore to climb aboard the boat, in order to enter into Simon's life and share in his sense of disappointment and futility.

"Jesus, does not simply stand by and watch as things go wrong, as we often do, and then complain bitterly. Rather, taking the initiative, he approaches Simon, spends time with him at that difficult moment and chooses to board the boat of his life, which that night had seemed fraught with failure."

Third, the Holy Father pointed out that once Jesus was aboard, He sat down and taught. "Glimpsing in those fishers' eyes and hearts the frustration of a night of fruitless toil," he observed, "Jesus boards the boat in order to proclaim the Good News, to bring light to the dark night of disappointment, to tell of the beauty of God even amid the struggles of life, and to reaffirm that hope endures even when all seems lost."

"When the Lord gets into the boat of our lives to bring us the good news of God's love that constantly accompanies and sustains us, then," the Holy Father said, "life begins anew, hope is reborn, enthusiasm revives, and we can once again cast our nets into the sea."

This message of hope, the Pope noted, accompanies us today as they celebrate the Jubilee of the Armed Forces, Police and Security Personnel.

In this spirit, Pope Francis thanked them all for their service, as he greeted all the authorities, military associations and academies, and military Ordinaries and chaplains, present.

"All of you," Pope Francis acknowledged, "have been entrusted with a lofty mission that embraces numerous aspects of social and political life: defending our nations, maintaining security, upholding legality and justice."

"To go aboard," he continued, "because your uniforms, the discipline that has shaped you, the courage that is your hallmark, the oath you have taken - all these are things that remind you of the importance not only of seeing evil in order to report it, but also of boarding the storm-tossed boat and working to ensure that it does not run aground."

And, finally, the Pope stated, to sit down, "because your presence in our cities and neighbourhoods to uphold law and order, and your taking the part of the defenceless, can serve as a lesson for all of us" to "teach us that goodness can prevail over everything."

The Pope recalled that in carrying out their work, which embraces their whole lives, they are accompanied by their chaplains, "an important priestly presence in your midst. "

"Their job, is not - as has at times unfortunately happened in history - to bless perverse acts of war. No."

Rather, he said, "They are in your midst as the presence of Christ, who desires to walk at your side, to offer you a listening and sympathetic ear, to encourage you to set out ever anew and to support you in your daily service."

As a source of moral and spiritual support, chaplains, the Holy Father recognized, "accompany you at every step and help you to carry out your mission in the light of the Gospel and in the pursuit of the common good."

"We are grateful for what you do, at times at great personal risk," Pope Francis commended, adding, "Thank you because by boarding our storm-tossed boats, you offer us protection and encourage us to stay our course."

At the same time, the Pope told them to never to lose sight of the purpose of your service and all your activity, which is to promote life, to save lives, to be a constant defender of life.

Lastly, the Pope called on them to be vigilant. "Be vigilant against the temptation to cultivate a warlike spirit. Be vigilant not to be taken in by the illusion of power and the roar of arms," he said, adding, "Be vigilant lest you be poisoned by propaganda that instils hatred, divides the world into friends to be defended and foes to fight."

Instead, Pope Francis implored, "be courageous witnesses of the love of God our Father, who wants us all to be brothers and sisters" as he encouraged, "together, then, let us set out to be artisans of a new era of peace, justice and fraternity."

Read the full homily text here:

Watch a video of the Mass on the Vatican Youtube channel:


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