US faith organisations file lawsuit to stop ICE raids on places of worship

Source: Faithful America
More than two dozen Christian and Jewish organisations, representing millions of Americans, have filed a lawsuit to stop the Trump administration's policy of allowing ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement) raids at places of worship.
Faithful America state: "This is the biggest legal action yet in an ongoing battle to defend religious liberty from Trump's Christian nationalist power grab. The Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church (USA), and the African Methodist Episcopal Church - the oldest predominantly Black denomination in the country - have all signed on, as have religious institutions of many faiths.
"At a time when too many public figures are failing to take a stand against Trump and his racist billionaire buddies, it's powerful to see so many Christian denominations and organizations taking real action to defend our right to worship and minister to our migrant neighbours safely."
Faithful America has also organised a petition in support of the lawsuit, which states:
Our churches are sacred spaces where all people should be able to gather, worship, and care for one another without government intrusion or the threat of deportation.
I stand in solidarity with the denominations and other faith-based organizations who are suing the Trump administration to prevent immigration raids from happening at churches and other houses of worship. The imperative to welcome the stranger is a core teaching of the Gospel and a central part of my Christian faith. Allowing immigration enforcement officers to interfere with church-based worship or charity is a clear infringement on our religious freedom.
If you like to add your name, see the petition HERE.