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Provincial Chapter - Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy

  • Sr Marie de Montfort SSJA

The English Province of the Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy, recently held a very life-giving and uplifting Provincial Chapter in Newport, South Wales on the theme of Crossing Thresholds Together and Embracing the New. The Chapter is a gathering of our Sisters held every six years to evaluate, to plan for our future and to prepare for our General Chapter in Rome, in May.

The week began with the celebration of the Opening Mass in St David's Church, Pontnewydd on Sunday, 9 February. The altar was beautifully decorated with Congregational symbols, the delegates were called forward and the Chapter Candle, symbol of Christ's presence among us, was lit by Sr Susan our Provincial. Each day began with prayer and faith sharing in groups and concluded with Mass.

In our discussions we looked at ways in which, as Province and Congregation, we can develop new ways of mission and of sharing resources. As members of the local Church, we welcome synodality as a way to reach out to all but especially those who feel unheard in our Church. This is very much in line with our calling to be messengers of hope spreading the love of God through our prayers and actions.

The 18 delegates full of energy and, very much in tune with the theme of the Jubilee Year, were Pilgrims of Hope, crossing many thresholds in the course of the week's prayerful deliberations. Sr Catherine Ryan OSM, our Facilitator, guided us gently through the week. We were greatly supported by the prayers of those Sisters unable to be present, as well as by the local clergy who ensured our daily Mass.

Undoubtedly, we recognised that we are fewer in number, somewhat less nimble and no longer fully engaged in our traditional ministries. Nevertheless, we affirm that we, as Sisters in the English Province, have an important and on-going role to play in the life and mission of our own Congregation and that of the wider Church. We hope that the life, energy and enthusiasm of this week of Chapter will radiate both in the Church and in our broken world.


Sisters of St Joseph of Annecy:


Congregation of Jesus

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