Holy See calls for end to war in Ukraine

Archbishop Paul Gallagher
Source: Vatican Media
Three years have passed since Russia launched its full-scale invasion in Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Marking the anniversary, the Holy See has renewed its appeal for peace.
The Secretary for Relations with States and International Organisations of the Holy See, Archbishop Paul Richard Gallagher, delivered a message at the 1,509th reinforced meeting of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Permanent Council, urging all parties involved to bring an end to the suffering and encouraging paths of dialogue and humanitarian assistance.
Archbishop Gallagher said: "The war has inflicted immense suffering on Ukraine, claiming numerous lives, including many innocent civilians, while leaving the nation scarred by many acts of destruction."
He noted that beyond the immediate toll, the war has also led to severe damage to critical infrastructure and environmental degradation, further exacerbating the crisis faced by millions.
In light of this, "The Holy See is deeply concerned about the tragic humanitarian consequences of this conflict and is particularly committed to facilitating the repatriation of children, while encouraging the release of prisoners, especially seriously wounded soldiers and civilians."
Archbishop Gallagher reminded those present that "war is an immense tragedy. It is the negation of humanity," quoting Pope Francis' often repeated words: "War is always a defeat, always."
He went on to reaffirm the Holy See's support for the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) as a crucial institution in the pursuit of a just and lasting resolution, noting that the Holy See urges all parties to uphold international law and to work towards restoring peace, security, and cooperation among nations.
Reflecting on the OSCE's role, Archbishop Gallagher acknowledged the organisation's shortcomings in preventing the war and facilitating a diplomatic resolution.
However, he insisted, "it is never too late" for the OSCE to restore its relevance as a multilateral forum for open and honest dialogue-"an indispensable foundation for any viable path towards peace."
As this year also marks the 50th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act, an agreement that underscores the importance of diplomacy and cooperation in maintaining peace, Archbishop Gallagher urged all participating States to "recover the 'spirit of Helsinki'."
"The Helsinki Final Act embodies a shared understanding among all participating States that peace is not merely the absence of war or the maintenance of a balance of power, but rather the result of fostering friendly relations, engaging in respectful and constructive dialogue and promoting cooperation." These principles, he added, "are as relevant today as they were five decades ago."
Archbishop Gallagher concluded by quoting Pope Francis once again: "May the sound of arms be silenced in war-torn Ukraine! May there be the boldness needed to open the door to negotiation and to gestures of dialogue and encounter, in order to achieve a just and lasting peace."